Outdoor Lighting Landscapes to Brighten Your Yard

Image of backyard outdoor lighting

It’s (finally) that time of year when we can all start thinking about warm summer evenings in the backyard or on the patio. As we wait for the days to warm up, it’s a great time to plan your outdoor lighting landscape.

If you want to take your outdoor space to the next level, there are lots of great ideas to consider. You can benefit from consulting a residential electrician in Vancouver to help your dreams go to plan. To ensure you have the electrical services in place to make your lighting dreams come true, we know just the people you should call! 

But before you do, here are some great ideas for outdoor lighting landscapes to brighten your yard.

Path Lighting

Depending on the layout of your space, path lighting is a great way to add both ambiance and safety. And luckily, there are so many great options to choose from. There are solar LED options like the ones that consist of a light attached to a short stake you drive into the ground. These are great because you can move them around the yard until you find the perfect place for them. 

Or you can install more permanent lights that will illuminate a path with a current from the house. This is a great option, especially if there are uneven stepping stones or paths that branch off the main walkway. You may need to use a transformer to reduce the house current if you choose low-voltage path lights. But don’t fret, your residential electrician can help you with installation.

Spot Lights

Spot lights are a general term for lights that point only in one direction. They are commonly called “up-lighting” or “landscape lighting.” Spot lights are usually standard-voltage lighting used to shine a narrow beam of light upwards, often to highlight a special feature like a water installation, a cool plant or tree, or other ornamental feature to make them stand out. They can also be used against an outbuilding or fence to create a type of pathway.

Spot lights can come in a bullet-shaped base that is installed into the ground and can swivel to reach different angles, or you can opt for a round light to illuminate shrubs or smaller features. Spot lights create a really nice ambience throughout the yard, and can double as a way to light a path.

Security Lighting

People generally install security lighting as a preventative measure. It can be an effective deterrent for people and animals who are trespassing onto the property. Security lights can also serve as path lighting, especially along the side of the house or out toward the back of a property.

Most times, motion sensor lights are the most efficient option, and easiest to install. Powered by standard, 120-Volt current, security lighting is usually installed from high above, such as the eaves or above a garage to cast wide beams of light down onto walkways or toward the backyard fence entrance. They are usually intense lights (although there is a range), but the brightness is good in order to catch a trespasser by surprise.

String Lights

String lights have enjoyed a revival over the last few years. With cool, retro-looking options available on the market that are also highly efficient and very versatile. This lighting is DIY-friendly and completely changes the entire feel of your outdoor space. It gives off a soft glow, and it’s low-voltage, so it doesn’t need any special installation conversions. You can loop it along the roof or outside edge of the space, or from outdoor posts. If you are planning on entertaining, string lighting can be easily added to your outdoor space to amp up the ambience. 

String lights come in a variety of options, and for Vancouver, it’s nice to have waterproof lights with long-lasting LED bulbs. Solar lights avoid the need for extension cords across the yard and give you more room to expand through out the outdoor space.

Book with BPM

At BPM, we provide electrical services across Vancouver, and our electricians provide residential services for indoor and outdoor lighting designs. If you are looking for an electrical contractor in Vancouver, our excellent team of electricians is ready to turn your drab outdoor space into the well-lit entertaining oasis of your dreams.