What Causes Flickering Lights?


While it can make you a bit nervous to see a flickering bulb in your home, there are a number of reasons why a bulb may flicker, and not all of them are necessarily bad. Before you take any drastic measures and start looking to make any major repairs, it is a good idea to check and makes sure that none of the following issues are causing the bulb to flicker first.

Single Bulb Flickers

If you have noticed a single bulb flickering in your home, whether it’s in a fixture on its own, or part of a set of lights, there could be a few minor issues that are the cause of the flickering bulb. First, it’s always a good idea to make sure the bulb is properly set in the fixture. Simply turn off the light and completely unscrew the bulb from the fixture. You can then re-screw the bulb back into place, and turn on the light. If the flickering persists, it could mean that the bulb is near the end of its lifespan, and you should probably look to replace it before you do anything else. Sometimes however, there may not be a problem with the bulb at all, but with the switch itself. A loose connection can also cause a lightbulb to flicker, which is why it may be necessary to replace the switch or power outlet entirely. If you’re uncomfortable working with wires like that, an electrician can certainly help you solve the problem.

All of Your Lights Flicker

When all the lights in your house are flickering, this is usually symptomatic of a much larger problem than a loose bulb or faulty connection. Sometimes this can simply be caused by a severe storm that temporarily disrupts the power supply to your home, but if you notice flickering lights throughout your house on a regular basis, it’s a good idea to get in touch with an electrician right away. An electric professional will be able to determine if there is a more serious reason for the power fluctuations in your home, and should be able to pinpoint the problem and solve it.

Lights Temporarily Flicker

Most fluorescent bulbs (both tubes and compact fluorescent bulbs) will take a moment to fully light up when they are first switched on. Any flickering that occurs during the first few moments after you turn on the light is perfectly normal, and shouldn’t be a cause for concern. Should the flickering persist, you may want to check to make sure the bulb is securely fixed in its proper place. If you are still unsure as to what is causing the flickering light, your next step should be to call an electrical contractor in to fully inspect the fixture and perform any necessary repairs right away.

To learn more about what you can do to keep the light in your home shining bright, feel free to continue to check out our website. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter to receive the latest updates about the work our friendly and talented electricians are doing throughout the Surrey, Langley and White Rock areas.